» Take the test!

Cambridge’s Pete Lewis may one day owe his sight to reading The Range at a WaiBOP United match last summer.

The lead singer of rock band 8 Steps to Madness and a social footballer, Lewis self–tested his vision using the simple test in The Range, our match day magazine. As a result, he sought medical advice and is now taking preventative procedures to minimise the risks associated with Macular Degeneration.

The condition causes progressive loss of central vision but the peripheral vision is not affected. It is the leading cause of severe vision loss. One in seven people over the age of 50 years is affected in some way and the incidence increases with age.

“I’m really glad I did the test and followed up with the doctor,” Lewis said. “Everyone should do the test — it’s really simple.”

You can find out more about Macular Degeneration here, including viewing a copy of The Amsler grid, which is the useful tool Pete used to detect vision problems resulting from damage to the macula.

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