» Name Your Team – Competition Announcement

Thank you to everyone who entered our ‘Name Your Team’ competition.

After much thought and discussion we have decided to put this competition on hold. This is mainly due to the fact that we haven’t been presented with anything that screams out ‘WaiBOP United’. “None of the entries quite hit the mark,” explains WaiBOP Football Communications Manager. “And a couple that came close were actually already being used by, or were synonymous with, other sports teams.”

We don’t want to force this. “It’s important we remain authentic in everything we do with this team and I think this decision is reflective of that,” says Barlow. “We don’t want to burden the team with an identity just for the sake of it if we don’t have anything that fits. Over the course of the season as the team and club evolves our nickname may well reveal itself and we’ll take that on board when, and if, it arrives.”

In the meantime it’s important to stress this is a Waikato and Bay of Plenty side. We hope you enjoy the WaiBOP United Kit Tour as Marko winds his way across the entire region over the next few weeks.

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