» WaiBOP United Kit Tour: Stop 22 – Karapiro

Lake Karapiro is a few kilometres south of Cambridge and was formed by the final dam on the Waikato River. The Mighty River Domain is set up nicely to cater for all types of events, but the area is probably best known as being the home of New Zealand’s powerful international rowing team.

Karapiro hosted the 1978 and 2010 World Rowing Championships and regularly hosts countless other local events. It’s also a great little spot to stop off for a picnic and a stretch of the legs.

Maungatautari, the mountain you can see in the background, is home to Maungatautari Ecological Island, a predator-proof sanctuary for populations of many of New Zealand’s most endangered species. If the mountain looks familiar it’s because you saw it in the distance from the Kaimai Lookout a few days ago.

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