» WaiBOP United 100 Club

Would you like to gain your club an impressive cash windfall while helping support your region’s ASB Premiership side?

You can help us find 100 businesses, organisations or individuals to join the WaiBOP United 100 Club. That’s right. We need the help of the Waikato and Bay of Plenty’s football community to make the WaiBOP United 100 Club work and we’re offering an amazing incentive.

We’re asking for our region’s football family to introduce us to the companies, organisations and individuals who join the 100 Club. In return, at our season launch function, one lucky football club or individual will be drawn to receive up to $4980*.

This is a one-off opportunity to raise some significant funds for your club while helping the region’s flagship team.

What is the WaiBOP United 100 Club?

The WaiBOP United 100 Club comes with an entry level investment for organisations and individuals, yet gives a corporate level pay-off!

What do WaiBOP United 100 Club members receive?
• Two season passes for all WaiBOP United’s home games.
• Access to the 100 Club pre-match function – a great networking opportunity!
• Invitation to the pre-season launch and end of season awards evening.
• Their name listed in every issue of The Range, our match day magazine
• A full colour advertisement on our featured sponsor’s page in one issue of The Range.
• Their logo on the WaiBOP United website (www.waibopunited.co.nz) with a link through to your website.
• Their support acknowledged and name announced over the PA system at every home match.
• The opportunity to erect pitch side signage on match day. (Signage produced to WaiBOP United’s specifications and provided at the sponsor’s cost.)

All this for an investment of only $249 (GST incl.).

The WaiBOP United 100 Club is limited to the first 100 investors. It is open to any business, organisation or individual, subject to final approval from the Board of WaiBOP United and WaiBOP Football Federation. There may be limitations where conflicts of interest arise with New Zealand Football’s sponsors. There will be no limitation on the number of companies accepted from any particular business category (subject to all other board approvals).

Ready to get started?

Excellent. The attached flyer and application form contains all the information you need to start approaching potential WaiBOP United 100 Club members. All we need to receive at this stage is a completed application form.

Do you need to know more?

Please contact Graeme Blake for more information.

*Based on a full complement of 100 club members. If we have less than 100 members by the season launch function, then the incentive will be paid out based on 20% of the total monies received.

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