» WaiBOP 100 Club Draw Winner

As part of our season launch function on Saturday we drew out the lucky winner of the WaiBOP United 100 Club prize draw.

During the pre-season we asked you to help us find 100 businesses, organisations or individuals to join the WaiBOP United 100 Club and in return we offered an amazing incentive. At our season launch function one lucky football club was drawn out and will now receive a cash windfall of $1593.60, which is 20% of the funds raised to this point through the WaiBOP United 100 Club.

The draw was won by Dianne Knight on behalf of Taupo Junior Football.

This was a one-off opportunity to raise some significant funds for a local club, while helping the region’s flagship team.

But don’t worry, you can still join the WaiBOP United 100 Club and receive all the associated benefits.

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