The Americans are coming! | waibop

WaiBOP United is pleased to announce the signing of Brendan Lesch and Robert Gallegos for the ASB Premiership season.

Lesch and Gallegos arrive at WaiBOP from fabled American University, Notre Dame, via Wellington-based club Western Suburbs. Midfielders by trade, Lesch and Gallegos will add strength, depth and attitude to Peter Smith’s squad for the upcoming season.

WaiBOP United Head Coach, Peter Smith, is pleased with the signing of Lesch and Gallegos. “Both Brendan and Robby are good players with a great background in the game at one of the leading American University football programmes,” said Smith. “They’ll bring balance to our midfield and will add another layer of professionalism to the squad. I’m pleased to be able to give them the opportunity to showcase their ability at this level. They’re both good lads and I’m looking forward to working with them.”

Both players also come highly recommended by former All Whites coach, Bobby Clark, the Head Coach at Notre Dame. Smith has developed an extensive network in the game, both locally and around the world, and has built a constructive working relationship with Clark. This relationship could, in future, provide opportunities for WaiBOP United players.

Further player signings will be announced in due course.

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